Zoom Presentations

Crane Trust with Matt Fong

Crane Trust is dedicated to preserving habitats for Sandhill Cranes and the rare Whooping Cranes. The Platte River in Nebraska is crucial for these species, providing essential roosting areas and serving as a key migration route.

Great Gray Owl with Rodney Siegel

Join Dr. Rodney Siegel as he unveils the secrets of California’s Great Gray Owls. Discover their essential habitats and the threats posed by climate change based on the findings from a decade of research in Yosemite National Park.

Bird Love with Dr. Wenfei Tong

From sabotaging romances to outsourcing childcare, birds exhibit behaviors that are strikingly similar to humans. Join Dr. Wenfei Tong as she shares her global research, vibrant artwork, and insights from her books Bird Love and Understanding Bird Behavior.

Motus Radiotelemetry in Relation to Tracking Birds

Using Motus radiotelemetry, researchers track Western Tanagers to uncover vital migration data. This presentation highlights key findings and the need to preserve crucial bird habitats.

Saving the California Condor

Debbie Parisi discusses the five tenets of the California Condor Recovery Program and the effort to save the species.

The Fascinating World of Falconry with Ken Miknuk

Ken discusses the various theories on the origin of falconry,t what’s behind the scenes of a world class professional falconer, and animal husbandry and training.