SFVAS Young Birders Group

A Young Birder is a young person who is passionate about birding, knowledgeable about some birds, and is eager to learn more. SFVAS organizes Young Birders Group walks to nurture this learning, fostering the next generation of birders. Birders are essential for observing, identifying, counting, and advocating for habitat protection. It’s not work, though — it’s fun!

Our Young Birders meet on the last Saturday of each month on a rotating schedule of sites. We visit Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve, O’Melveny Park and Franklin Canyon Park.  Check our Events Calendar for the next walk. Our youth leaders are Alexander de Barros, a High School Senior who recently attended the National Audubon Camp for young people on Hogs Island, Maine, and Olivia White, a community college student who also works with children. They make a wonderful team!  Do come and join us!! For any more information please email roselbirds@gmail.com.

Check out this year-end report by one of our youngest Young Birders. Gideon Aharon Kreiselman is a fourth grader (!) with a big future in birdwatching.