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Crane Trust with Matt Fong

Crane Trust with Matt Fong Crane Trust is dedicated to preserving habitats for Sandhill Cranes ...

Great Gray Owl with Rodney Siegel

Great Gray Owl with Rodney Siegel Join Dr. Rodney Siegel as he unveils the secrets ...

Bird Love with Dr. Wenfei Tong

Bird Love with Dr. Wenfei Tong From sabotaging romances to outsourcing childcare, birds exhibit behaviors ...

Motus Radiotelemetry in Relation to Tracking Birds

Motus Radiotelemetry in Relation to Tracking Birds Using Motus radiotelemetry, researchers track Western Tanagers to ...

Saving the California Condor

Saving the California Condor Debbie Parisi discusses the five tenets of the California Condor Recovery ...

The Fascinating World of Falconry with Ken Miknuk

The Fascinating World of Falconry with Ken Miknuk Ken discusses the various theories on the ...

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San Fernando Valley Audubon Society Membership
Our dedicated members value the importance of birds in nature, participate in our events, and support our advocacy efforts. Become a member of SFV Audubon and help us make a difference!

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In the News

Crane Trust with Matt Fong

Crane Trust with Matt Fong Crane Trust is dedicated to preserving habitats for Sandhill Cranes ...

Great Gray Owl with Rodney Siegel

Great Gray Owl with Rodney Siegel Join Dr. Rodney Siegel as he unveils the secrets ...

Bird Love with Dr. Wenfei Tong

Bird Love with Dr. Wenfei Tong From sabotaging romances to outsourcing childcare, birds exhibit behaviors ...

Motus Radiotelemetry in Relation to Tracking Birds

Motus Radiotelemetry in Relation to Tracking Birds Using Motus radiotelemetry, researchers track Western Tanagers to ...

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San Fernando Valley Audubon Society Membership
Our dedicated members value the importance of birds in nature, participate in our events, and support our advocacy efforts. Become a member of SFV Audubon and help us make a difference!

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